Press conference in "Interfax - Azerbaijan" with the Chairman of the Nobel Family Society Dr. Michael Nobel
- 25 February, 2004
Inauguration and opening of the Nobel brothers museum and the Baku Nobel Oil Club (BNOC) in Villa Petrolea. Visit of the members of the board of Nobel Family Society and Nobel Charitable Trust.
- 25 April, 2008
- 25 April, 2008
- 25 April, 2008
- 10 May, 2008
- 19 November, 2008
- 19 November, 2008
- 25 November, 2008
- 2 - 3 December, 2008
- 1 June, 2009
- 3 - 4 June, 2009
- June, 2009
- 27 July, 2009
- 17 September, 2009
- 22 September, 2009
- 17 December, 2010
- 10 April, 2011
- 7 June, 2011
- 28 September, 2011
- 22 May, 2012
- 22-23 October, 2012
- 13-14 September, 2013.
- 19 February, 2014
- 3 March, 2014
- 11 June, 2014
- 12 June, 2014
- 26 December 2014
- 4 May, 2015
- 19 June, 2015
- 20 June, 2015
-4 July, 2015
- 24 May, 2016
- 30, May 2016
- July 2017
-9, December 2017
-1, June 2018